Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
This is the most recent pic of me..and I look a little crazy A night out for Melissa's b-day!
- I am a junk food junky! I don't eat anything healthy or green at all It's a little crazy...
- When I gave birth to Lily, the epidural didn't work. I felt everything. Matter of fact, as soon as they were done sewing me up or whatever I got up and walked to the bathroom...crazy!
- I have some of the best friends a girl could ever ask for. I know I count on them to be there for me whenever I need to vent, cry, yell, scream, be happy or whatever. Example: Just 2 days ago, a friend of mine is in Germany and happened to be online when I got on the computer. It was a sad day for me, and I was crying. She knew that and comforted me without me having to say anything. I love friends like that!
- I am very close with my Mom. I love her dearly, and usually don't go a few days without talking to her on the phone. We email quite a lot too! I find it odd that there are some people out there who don't talk to their families at all. Or go months without talking to one another.
- Eric is the goofiest man that I have ever met. It's one of the reasons that I love him. He can make me laugh atleast once everyday by doing something retarted. Just being
- I LOVE to laugh. It's so therapeutic! Funny movies, funny people, it doesn't matter. There was this one time when Rachael C and I were in Germany in a hotel room with no tv or radio. We just started talking, and maybe we were disillusion or something, but we were laughing hysterically! About anything and everything. I mean tears coming down and all!
- I used to love to read when I was in high school. Back then I read a lot of Stephen King books...dork, I know. When Eric deployed, I picked up the habit again. I think I read about 8 books in 6 months. Glad I picked it back up again!
- If you ever listen to my i-pod, you will think I am crazy. I have been told by several people that I have an eclectic taste of From The Beatles to Ludacris. Lots of music from different plays too. So many mixes of music!
- At 11 am, most days, I am sitting on the couch waiting for Judge Judy to start. She is awesome and I love that show!
- I am a bargain shopper. I hate buying something if it isn't on sale.
- I loathe putting the clean clothes up. I don't mind doing any of the laundry, it's just putting all the clothes up that gets me.
- When I start cleaning the house, I always start in the kitchen. If my kitchen isn't clean, I can't do the rest of the house....weird...
- I hate winter time. Sure it's pretty and all, but I am a southerner. I want to wear flip flops and t-shirts or tank tops all the time. I HATE wearing long sleeves. Especially if it's too tight...eww And I won't wear turtle necks. I have made one exception to that rule though..I have 1 turtle neck, but the neck on it is huge, so it's ok.
- Driving a stick shift is great! I actually enjoy it quite a bit.
- Moving to Italy has opened my eyes up to the Susie Homemaker that is inside of me. I started cooking and baking so much. I truly enjoy it too. I like to try new things out that I make up in my head, and Eric gets to be the taste
Omg you had me cracking up at number #9 got to get your judge judy on!
You are not weird I cannot clean my house either unless the kitchen is clean first. I thought I was weird too but I guess not huh? I can't cook either if there are dirty dishes! lol
You forgot to add that when you are watching Judge Judy you are usually eating nachos or cheese fries!
Mmmmm...bacon cheddar cheese fries....
HAHAHAHAHA...that time in Germany was SO hilarious...we were LITERALLY crying...that was awesome! And I hate you for being able to eat all that damn junk food and not show an ounce of it!
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