9:30 PM

Day 07- Someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

Hmmmm...the biggest impact on me...  I think I am going to go with my family on this one.  My mom, dad & Eric (Lily too) are the biggest impact on me.  I constantly turn to them for support, comfort and love whenever I need it.  No matter what I have to say, they listen and give me feedback, whether I want to hear it or not.  And, truth be told, they are right most of the time...but don't tell them that..lol  I am fortunate enough to have such a wonderful family and support system.  I also want to include some friends in this blog, and you know who you are.  A few of you have definitely made an impact on me, and I will always be grateful that we met.  It's hard to find friends that you consider family, but I have found some here in Italy, that I can't imagine us ever growing apart.  That's what family is though, you grow closer, stronger & love each other un-conditionally.  You will grow older together, but never apart.  I may do something or say something that upsets you, but my family will always be there to pick me up when I am down or tell me when I am wrong...never kick me while I am down.  Eric is probably the biggest impact on me.  I mean, he is the father of my child..lol  He has been there for me through some very hard times, and even more amazing times.  Never judging me, but helping me instead.  That alone shows me that he is the one meant for me.  Just like I can't see myself without my family, I sure as heck can't see my life without him in it!  Ok, that's enough mushy gushy stuff for.  I gotta go watch Glee now....lol

And that's another thing...Eric always watches Glee with me too....just another crazy reason why I love him...haha 


Now an Air Force Wife and Mommy!! said...

you know i never realized you had a blog :) I wish my hubby would watch Glee with me he looks at me like I've losted my mind when I ask him too LOL.

Ugh and I understand crazy people! I do my best to keep them out of my life, but they like to spy why I'll never understand! I wonder if I can block just a person from my blog LOL

Redafem said...

I'm sure there is a way somehow..lol I am glad you put your blog back up! I love reading about your little man..he is just adorable!!

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