11:36 AM

30 Days of me, Day 4

A habit that you wish you didn’t have

Hmmm...I pick at my nails constantly.  My nails are always breaking, and I sit there and pick at the flakes...eww!  Another really bad habit, and I know I'm not the only one b/c a friend told me she does the exact same thing, is running my fingers through my hair and finding the coarse ones and pulling them out...weird!  Not like I pull all of my hair out, because there aren't that many, but I find them and pull them out.  The texture of them is just weird to me!  Another weird one is combing my cats for fleas...I hate fleas, and if I can see one on them, I have to get the brush thing out right then and comb the cats...lol  That's all I can think of for now, but I am sure there are more.  Those are the 3 that popped into my head.


Doris said...

don't pull the coarse ones! Like 3 or 4 more will grow back in it's place and stronger! lol ..seriously this is what the hair dresser told me. lol

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