7:19 AM

Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name

I changed the title just this morning.  I titled my blog Michelle in Italy because I couldn't come up with anything better.  Then it hit me this morning...why not name it the same name that I use for my usernames on email and everything else.  So that's how Redafem's Blog came about.  Now, the meaning behind redafem.  I have been using this username a little over 9 years now.  It breaks down like this:

red: My red hair
af: Air Force
em: Eric & Michelle
Put that together, and you get redafem!  Clever, I know...lol  So that's the story behind the redafem mystery!


Doris said...

LOL I for real had no idea what redafem meant besides me thinking red hair. I am glad to finally know! haha

Brandy Jones said...

I thought it had to do something with LA, but now I know! Rather clever, I'd say!

Rebecca Evans said...

I would have never guessed that! Very unique and interesting:)

SandSandMore said...

ha! i never knew where that came from either.

SandSandMore said...

ha! i never knew where that came from either

Mrs. Calhoun said...

I always think of a Red Fem...LOL...

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